It was then I got my new gym accessories from my co-worker with a pretty affordable deal. After getting back from work I anxiously & hurriedly installed those gym stuffs in my bedroom since i did not want to spoil my livingroom view because it's the most favorite spot in my tiny apartment. With my king-size bed already in my bedroom, those gym accessories seem like another queen-size piece to be addded. I started to move every single piece of my furnitures just to see if the entire view in the bedroom look better. Out of my ability the work seemed to be at no where and it was already 4 AM. It appealed to me that The gym things and the king-size bed can't be together in my bedroom space. I finally decided to locate the gyms out at the livingroom and remanaged my furniture pieces to where it used to be located. With one by one the stuffs were being put back into its own spots, I happenned to look at those work paper scraps I had done during the previous year, 2006. I found a piece from those scraps and read it.... Oh ma god! That was a written poem I had drafted last December in order to reply to a net lady friend from
Hi5 whom she is a poet from
Canada. I had seen her poetry work in a khmer poem website which says "jreorn kheor mork heory oun som sar-ra-pheap.... .... .... snae ter voleak smoss jeak et breor" with the title of JAM PEAK THA SNAE.
Now I feel like to share all this drafted poetic information in that replied scrap paper of mine. I do not mean anything else more than a poem....:P
ream som or-kun toch tonn mjass snae
nov pheakdey snae del oun son som
somrab rub bang pi troung meas mom
jeat nis bon thom barn srey tver mjass.
som tus jompuos velea jreorn kheor
del oun breng theor jompuos bong ma-nak
jam jom leory bang chleury brab voleak
min kour bang khvakk min deong khluon eng.
ma-dech snguon tha bang jet dach me-ta
tveu oy konitha kream krom jom beorng
bong te keng phsong kruam troung ma-neak eng
min-hean thla thleorng sa-ra-pheap brab srey.
pel nis bong som smae jea kom nab
teorng jea peak kap joun sross thleorm thlay
tha bong kor luoch snae oun jreorn krai
jok krom ha-ra-tey jea you thngay kheor.
kom nab muoy nis reab raub sekdey
smaut brab tov srey tha bong louch snae
bro-kul beh-dong joun sros meas mae
thver jea ma-jass theor luh thgnai mo-ra-na.
ber bong khos a-vey bro-ney ream phorng
ream khmean bom nong thver bab jiva
kom nab mean ney ka-vey kot tra
chmuos srey ream ja jom leory beh-dong.
PS: pls refer to me with any of my Khmer-english words you do not understand via the below comment section.