Yet, I just STILL cannot find the words to describe exactly how my heart feels every year on each of my birthday cus it SUCKS SUCKS SUCKS! Beyond what has been said, even if I had all descriptive words embedded unto my brain, I am sure that there still would not be a word that would fit exactly right cus i already believe that it's unchangeable fate of my life. Pls readers do not think hard as you will never understand, not even me can fully understand.
However, in response to the flurry of warm wishes, I'd like to express many thanks to all of you for your birthday wishes. Your words, as always, are a great source of strength. I was very thoughtful of you guys to take the time and effort to wish me Happy Birthday. I am so grateful! There aren't much words to express my thanKs to teh choicest friendship loves being shown. just in brief-->my heart is with you guys! Many thankkkks =)
nice cake yummy yummy =P
how could you see it as a yummy yummy one?
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