May 31, 2008
tonight ?_?
I am feeling so annoyed. This really blows. It sucks and i am so pissed off. This night isn't gentle at all. The way i see the world tonight, it's all about a long lonely road - a road which i have already been riding on as an outcastE. But, somehow, i do still love you - NIGHT. You help me to close the door of my brain. You sometimes - a medicine - cure my soul. And whenever i close my eyes in you, i feel like i am flying beyond the earth cruising this lovely planet. Exceptionally speaking - at night - i could shed my tears whenever i miss mum and dad. Again, this is all about the two of you. I do miss you dearly "Mak" & "Pa"; may god bless you my both lovers.
@ mtl. postEd by outcastE at 12:14 AM 0 commEnts
Labels: random thoughts, stuffs
May 23, 2008
whEn it comEs back to mind....

The state of being fed-up has been playing in my head over and over again for weeks or months now. Specifically, the fed-up feeling i feel towards a person; actually, it was just the feeling that i felt, because i can't say i feel it any longer.
I, again, restarted to have the moment of disappointment and hatred since hours ago as i went through some files in my pc as well as my mail box of my cellular, in which some voice messages had been saved by me for months . It reminded me of those false moments of word and tongue (speech) i had been told and written to. So i started thinking about the type of person i was during all those moments. To be frank , at a point, i'd say i was a so-innocent-guy who had faithfully fallen into the trap of relationship with a strong determination, self-belief, and the state of being so open. I would never know that fact if i was not told that directly. I could never believe it if i was not shown those again & again revealings and excuses. All those relevances - at first, do not seem to bother me at all to retreat (to make the cut) - beside that one-reasonable-word i heard by my own ears. I then thought that ultimately, I was never going to give myself another chance.
I, again, restarted to have the moment of disappointment and hatred since hours ago as i went through some files in my pc as well as my mail box of my cellular, in which some voice messages had been saved by me for months . It reminded me of those false moments of word and tongue (speech) i had been told and written to. So i started thinking about the type of person i was during all those moments. To be frank , at a point, i'd say i was a so-innocent-guy who had faithfully fallen into the trap of relationship with a strong determination, self-belief, and the state of being so open. I would never know that fact if i was not told that directly. I could never believe it if i was not shown those again & again revealings and excuses. All those relevances - at first, do not seem to bother me at all to retreat (to make the cut) - beside that one-reasonable-word i heard by my own ears. I then thought that ultimately, I was never going to give myself another chance.
At another point, i have been thinking to myself a lot lately over what i did wrong and which made me feel terribly awful. And i have to admit that the guilt was hanging over me all time long. I felt as if god had stolen my heart and soul, and had left me to cry myself to sleep each and every night with guilt in my chest. I guess the issue had always been the stand block of that relationship getting worked out. I was blaming myself for that horribly selfish mistake i committed, and all the while a part of me felt like i was never forgiving myself with the deed. I really went through a lot trying to prove points and reasons until i ultimately realised of the fact in which i had been told - a false confession.
What i find, as i sit here on the floor against the wall and think of that moment, is how worth remembering it is. And i know this is true mainly because i sweat all the strength of my heart to then again feel the rhythms of it, and i was pretty shocked when i could never realise what i exactly felt had been denied by those few words & reasons. It was a shocked and a fed-up feeling that rose up and grew in me as i observed deep in thought about the outcome that i had never expected and the period of time that i had wrongly interpreted it was going to last long. It has been out of my nature to embrace such a negative feeling as strongly as i did. Well, it is out of my nature since i began to actually deal with my previous real issues few years ago. But i guess i need to feel something, even that feeling is awfully crappy and stupid and cruel. I need to feel it just to get from one day to the next; i need just to feel it until i could find a good way to manage my mind to heal my broken soul and to put everything back into proper perspective. This is how i live my life in all these years - needing to feel negatively towards things until i assume i can handle with it and until i can place all those crappy negative things in a proper place in the account of my life.
*It's funny and weird for all that I've come to embrace such emotion in public. So what's my problem? I am irritated to death of writing this out. Irritated to the point of being possibly called a loser. Irritated enough that I'm willing to cut my tongue and to forever shut my mouth up. If only i didn't want to get rid of this emotional feeling, i wouldn't have been sitting to update this blog. I guess i don't like to carry these kinds of feeling with me and i tend to end up writing it all down at some points. I am writing this just to show how i feel and why i feel it - it's like, i am putting it all in clear words; i'm now doing what's always advised - write it and forget it. To me, the urge to write is too great to ignore.
Yet, looking at my life that's cruelly tormented, here are all the words - the excruciating details of the pain i am feeling right now; the words that i could write out, but can never well explain about the pain.... the unknown pain that clutches my heart and burns in my soul.... the soul that clouds my mind and devours my every thought about those days.... those days of feeling with no regret over the relationship-road i had taken.
@ mtl. postEd by outcastE at 11:49 PM 0 commEnts
May 14, 2008

Hme....whatever it is, my head is now getting numb cuz of the effect of those two-330ml-Heineken-bottles and three-Advil-pills. I'd say i am officially sick now, and all i can think of right now is "mum". This "mum" word does always appear to mind every time i feel sick. It seems like the word is an instant medicine sent from god to heal my maladies. It pains me every time i am confronted with the fact that i cause this word needlessly sad. I am now crying inside again as i am again deeply thinking of you, tonight. The love i have for you is so infinite i can't put it in words. The first day i met you, you were holding me and crying out for me. I love you from the very bottom of my heart....; i'm sorry, i'm so sorry, mum!!!!
Rebuilding. Rebuilding. Rebuilding. The word fills me with a longing that hurts cuz so far i could never rebuild. And yet, looking at my life, that's asking too much - I wish i could have an extra life to fulfill all my obligations as fast as i could. This life of mine has been so complicated with those disappointments, guilts, upsets and madnesses almost at every angle of time, except for the fact that i have a quiet life as wished. A lot of this, i know it has to do with my problems and plans, which have lately been really making me feel stressed and depressed. The problems lie in those moment of tragedies i had been tangled with. I just wanna step away from all that my life is now; i just wanna start a new life with a new ME powered by a new energy & strength to do everything i need to do with an open heart.
I am sorry, mum and dad; i am so sorry once again!!!! A few fat tear drops slid down each of my cheek at the moment i typed the above words "mum", and my heart starts to ache again now since i realise myself i could so far never be fully committed in being faithful with you. I'd pledge from now on that as long as i have blood rushing through my veins and as long as i have oxygen in my body i will always - and even beyond that - i will always be committed to sacrifice myself back for you. I suppose i am feeling the cumulative effect of being a so-guilty-son for so long now, which means the desire to be the greatest son is amplified a hundred times more that i could be. It's making me want not just to be the greatest one for both of you and family as a whole - but for those who every now and then considered me as bright and later see me as a dim one, and also, last but not least, for those(?) who once used to have a false impression on me and who caused me a hard-to-bite lesson.
Mum & dad, i may have let you down and hurt you few times, but only both of you who could always forgive me my crimes. Thank you for bringing me to earth, for all those reassuring words, and for showing me daily love. Here i am sending my loving storm, and this is just for 2 special persons who will always have a place in my heart: This goes out to mum and dad cuz you both are the best and better than all the rest. With those harmonized moments i was with you guys and with the later broken spell i limped off when i had been away from you both - still, i am holding on to what i felt then, the hope and peace i promised.
@ mtl. postEd by outcastE at 1:48 AM 0 commEnts
May 9, 2008
thoughts of this momEnt!!!!
and reconsidering these feelings....
A feeling that you will still be among the best ones I've ever had!!!!
A feeling that you will still be the right one for me to share!!!!
A feeling that when will my magma-temper again be exploded????
A feeling that you will still be among the best ones I've ever had!!!!
A feeling that you will still be the right one for me to share!!!!
A feeling that when will my magma-temper again be exploded????
A feeling that when will i again be able to rebuild that so much self-freedom-of-doubt to converse with you????
.... a feeling that should or shouldn't I....!?!?
@ mtl. postEd by outcastE at 1:44 AM 0 commEnts
Labels: about me, random thoughts
May 6, 2008
i know it's truE!
Been trying to figure out this life why everything seems so confusing, or may be i am just out of my mind; i'm listening but there's no sound....
It uglifies those my own images of confidence, my mentality, my consistency, and my every hope i have for you for what you gave me those your clear-made-up thoughts - so I've learnt to accept and walked off with my own desires I then set for you....
No matter how tough you are inside you can't deny the fact that you are worried and disappointed with those my deeds, so stop worrying and tell yourself that if GOD cares for you and if he is still in control then yeah he will help you to write my name off your life's page....
So, better don't ya worry about tomorrowS for tomorrowS will worry about itself....
@ mtl. postEd by outcastE at 3:33 AM 0 commEnts
Labels: random thoughts, stuffs