Rain keeps pouring....
Heartbeat never quiets down....
Senses from my entire figure keep seeing, hearing, and merge with those black rains - feeling regretful of being too self-indulgent toward way of looking at self....
Perhaps this is all about the lack of ways verbalizing the reasons why i don't publish daily, and i still vacillate here....
I still most of the times hold back with uncertainty over how i truely feel about something or someone....
I still hesitate before hitting the "publish" button....
Tonight - the then memory - is so still vivid in my mind....
Don't know how more long it's going to lastly last, and thus i write about that memory just in case i may in someday lose it....
In the end - may be - this is why i write, so that when my mind fails me, perhaps then my words can save me....
Yet - in a move that is lamentably rare for me - i completely surrendered to that moment - the moment like ¡THAT¡
wooohhhooooo.. U are like Nak Kar Vei.. :D:D but what i like the most is when U said "Don't know how more long it's going to lastly last, and thus i write about that memory just in case i may in someday lose it...." and maybe this is the reason i post everyday ..lolz.. Ohhhh.. btw, if U are hesitated to hit the public bottom.. pls call Me.. haha.. :D:D
PS: actually, my post wasnt ready when U left comment for Me there.. i was making up the story at that time ..lolz..
Yeah i could know that you wasn't ready. Btw, i can't accept of being like nak kavey! me==>ka vey t-baanh aii! What ya meant by 'public bottom'? :S
haha.. ka vey t-baanh aiii :D:D
Ohhh.. sorry.. i mean to say "Publish bottom, not Public.. haha. my bad typing :P:P
Wrong still!~! ==> publish button*
Ooops.. :O:O hahaha... sorry, guess i am the princess of typo :P:P
Yepper, i guess so, Ms. Typo princess!
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