Dec 31, 2007
black Monday

@ mtl. postEd by outcastE at 2:33 AM 2 commEnts
Labels: stuffs
Dec 29, 2007
Epl soccEr update

Everton vs Arsenal
Westham vs Man-utd
Tottenham vs Reading
@ mtl. postEd by outcastE at 9:30 AM 0 commEnts
Labels: sport
Dec 27, 2007
my anxiEties

Mum and dad, your son is starting to miss you again now during this every moment.... missing you so badly now....=( Every single day counted from my first vacation day, I have been feeling all these anxieties for that I miss home and family. I have been thinking of every beloved one of mine all this holiday long, whether or not they do think of me in return. I would love to speak to everyone of them that I do miss, love and care of all each, but I just can't...., I just can't act.... I just can't do, as though something is barring my brain from flowing my mind into speeches. All I can do now is to spread these speeches into piece of words.
Beloved mum and dad, do you both know that i was holding on my tears from falling down at the moment I said I miss you both???? Do you both know that at the moment I want to lay down in you both's arms???? If possible I wish god can convert these emotional feeling of mine into dreams so that both of you would know how hurtful I am every time I do miss you both. I should not have left you all these years; I should not have shown you that I was the greatest son; I should not have caused you given me all those trusts; I should not have done all these....; I should not have walked this life alone without you both near me.... Why? Why? Why?
All these next remaining days of this year-end are soon being faded away by the motion of this earth. The new page of year will take its turn for the new page of life of all living beings. I wish I will hopefully get a better life within New Year's page so that I might be able to show my gut going back home for the next visit. Leaving my parents, leaving my family, leaving my relatives and leaving my friends, aren't what i want; why do I keep doing this to myself? In life, there are no real goodbyes to family, friends and beloved ones, but it's sure an emotional struggling feeling to leave all of them. To all of you, parents, family & friends, I would love to thank for embarking on the journey of a life time with me, your loves, trusts and supports have guided me and kept me smiling inside my struggling chest. It is my honest hope that all of you would take something away from this writing.... May god bless us all....
@ mtl. postEd by outcastE at 12:22 AM 2 commEnts
Labels: about me
Dec 26, 2007
Epl soccEr updatE
Arsenal vs Portsmouth
Derby vs Liverpool
Sunderland vs Manutd
Chealsea vs Aston Villa
@ mtl. postEd by outcastE at 8:03 PM 0 commEnts
Labels: sport
Dec 25, 2007
lonEly Christmas
Lonely at Christmas
Lonely at year-end
Lonely I am, this holiday season.
Lonely every night
Lonely every day
Lonely i am, in so many ways.
Lonely is this place
Lonely is this life
Lonely i am, that I reach for a knife
Lonely all these seasons
Lonely all these years
Lonely i am, that it brings tears.
Lonely cus my wrong deed
Lonely cus my wrong gut
Lonely i am, that i fell from the UP
@ mtl. postEd by outcastE at 1:53 PM 0 commEnts
Labels: poEm
Dec 20, 2007

Well..., let wrap it up in short and go to the wishes. I wish ya'll, those the above mentioned, all the best - happy, lucky, pretty, healthy, wealthy and smarty - for this year-end, the next upcoming year long, and years to come. What is more....? hme.... well i got one more Christmas wish poem by Catherine Pulsifer for all of you guys since i dun have much time for making one myself. I'm honestly not good at wishing both in context or even in poem, but who know if it's in LOVEs :]
My Christmas Wish To YOU
By Catherine Pulsifer
it would be for peace and happiness not only now,
but for the whole year through!
I wish that there always be food on your table.
And that you always remember those less fortunate.
May you always take time to share, and thank those who share with you.
I wish for time, so you may reflect
on the blessings that you have, and that you express your love
to those who are dear to you.
May you never feel lonely,
because there are those who care.
That you realize: you are special,
you are unique, you make a difference,
not only at Christmas, but all year!
I wish for your thoughts to be positive ones,
that you never quit, that you never give up,
and that you continue to learn.
I wish for the love, peace, and joy
of Christmas be yours always,
@ mtl. postEd by outcastE at 10:26 PM 0 commEnts
Labels: stuffs
Dec 8, 2007
sad dEcember
Time after time, I remind my deeds from those pasts.... Word after word, I utter "Sorry" to those i love and respect.... Day after day, I detain myself locked in the room.... Night after night, I think of leaving all ma beloved ones for the new incarnation.... Those actions....
Feelings and actions.... Everything just seems to be out of my control in those suddens. I just couldn't explain all the reasons, I just couldn't restrain myself out of it, I just couldn't stop it....I just couldn't.... And it now causes me helpless, hopeless and hapless.... This is all about my anguishes....
Have you ever faced a heartbreaking situation???? You don't need to be a forlorn lover to have suffered heartbreak. People with high expectations from themselves are prone to heartbreak; and that's "mE"! I know old men and women who face heartbreak because of an irresposible son. War-torn family struggles with heartbreak too, but that isn't "my conditioN". Instead, I do have a very fine beautiful family, a family whose its members belong together, but somehow, the generation gap in my family is far apart. I mean there's not much can be done to make my parents agree on things which are faulty made by their sons, especially big faults. In resulting, some of those big faults remain confidential until it's successfully solved or even never be revealed, while some others become huge and worsening. This has been our tradition among us sons to seal all the mistakes we committed and will commit. This is a plague, indeed....
To shape and bend a tree, it has to be done when the tree is young and supple. To attempt to bend the branch of an old tree will result in breaking it. So it is with man, a young child's values, attitudes and abilities can be shaped and bent under favourable conditions. It's the way of nurturing. To make an old man change his values and attitudes is an almost impossible task. His mind is too rigid with age and not receptive to new things. He would probably break if we try too hard to change him....
The family has been my hardcore issue since I left them pursuing my independent life abroad; I do love, respect, and devote to them. These 3 commitments seem so perfect to be defined as a good "mE". Yet, tehre's hope in despair to be called as a good "mE" cus one huge mistake of mine erases all those 3 ingredients defining "mE". People say each drop of rain can make the ocean different, and that's so true in comparing to my condition. I wish it is more possible to make parents see things the same way as i do and forgive me with that huge mistake. Hme.... now the only course left open is for me to remain love them and let them be what they want to be. It is up to the old to accept the young as they are, love them and guide them with their wisdom. It is also up to the young to accept the old as they are, love them and be guided when necesarry. In time the old will leave the world, the young will be the old and the yet unborn will become the young. The cycle continues while the generation gap needs not....
With experiences, I learnt not to start living tomorrow, tomorrow never arrives cus there's always tomorrow after tomorrow. Now that i am living my present, my day, which is day after day.... Christmas Eve is very soon coming. People are getting ready to celebrate their upcoming happy holiday while i am yet living my day after day just to see my hapless fate reaching its climax.... I was taught to start working on my dreams and ambitions. I got my dreams to succeed, however i failed to acquire those dreams cus I had dreamed of the wrong dreams. Desire can be bad; desire can be good; and this is logically right. Somebody once said "the biggest room in the world is the room for improvement". Thus, my hope is not yet in despair. I am and will be with all of my commitment to re-dream my right dreams that will brighten up my fate. Hope is the energy that feeds my soul. Hopefully, hope can even work miracles for me....
Things happen on each everyone of us ....and i found some are tough to compress within.... that's why i'm bringing it out not to seek agreement from others, but just to open up my memory chest.... Soothing words heal broken hearts and mend relationships, but not in my condition. The exit of my dream is right in front of me; I'm feeling the curtain is falling over my story. I've been trying to hold on the rope as hard as i can, but somehow, very soon, doubt will cover my sight, and those past of mine will be revealed....
@ mtl. postEd by outcastE at 3:49 AM 1 commEnts
Labels: about me
Nov 24, 2007
a look at my parEnts' hardship

As an ordinary employee, work takes up more than half of the daylight hours and sometimes more than the daylight hours. In the night time there is the inevitable housework to do. An afternoon nap is out of the question unless I want to slog late into the night to complete my cooking and cleaning. Very rarely do I not feeling like to seeing things in my apartment very well managed.
In Summer, when evening comes, sports and games comes alive. Nearby my workplace I can see young people, and a good number of older ones, are indulging in some forms of exercise. Be simply doing those exercises or hitting up the gym to get fit. What matters is doing them. The doers know that time is precious and they spend it joyfully in the things they love to do. The non-doers prefer to sit inside their houses and wonder why there is nothing to do. For these unhappy people I suggest that they could at least be spectators. They could go and watch other people play. Even if they do not want to participate, watching sports and games is a good way of spending spare time. It is a form of entertainment and recreation. If nothing, at least they know that they are among living human beings, not dead ones.
An average housewife has tons of house chores to do. When I take a look at my parents I realise that the amount of work they have to perform each day is enormous. Though they have few housemates, my parents get up early at dawn and work right through the day, taking care of their business. Thanks to the housemates who do the back-breaking job otherwise I have to fly back there to help my parents. There are always more things for them to take care of during the day. Yet, my mother has to go to the market to buy food for her ever-hungry members in the house and then look after their general well-beings. Anybody who finds that he has too much spare time can help his mother in her housework. All he has to do is to sweep the floor or wipe the dust off the windows or simply peel some fruits for the overworked mother. Then he will realise the precious of time and how some people simply squander it away. He will also learn to appreciate the toil of his loving mother, how his mother works for nothing in return (housewives do not earn salary) except some understanding and love from the people she works for.
I suppose most people who find that they have too much time on their hands are people who do not interested in life itself. Their attitudes need correcting. If they look at life with pessimism and then feel depressed about it, obviously things are not going to look interesting. On the other hand, if they look at life with optimism and feel thankful that they are alive, the likelihood will be that they will go out to do the things they love to do, and enjoy every minute of it. The sun shines for people who can do this. Life is never dull. There is plenty to do. Spare time is wonderful time.
Soon ones will leave their parents to pursuing independent lives. I would say it's more than half of their lifetimes they will be living away from the daily taking cares from their parents. So, why can't we spend this lifetime preciously with those who gave our births? This is indeed a serious question which is needed a committing answer. Though life goes on...., one needs not to let the past be a bad history.
In a nutshell, I would like to dedicate this piece of writing to my beloved parents who have been supportive and committed to raising my life. I am sorry for that I wasn't 100% committed to helping you with all those housechore tasks in all those years. However, I am pretty sure that both of you are satisfied with what i had done during the time back then. I am so grateful for being your both son. Here the GREATEST love from me to you, beloved mum & dad.
@ mtl. postEd by outcastE at 1:59 AM 0 commEnts
Labels: lifE
Nov 10, 2007
it must havE bEEn love - music
The Christmas For The Broken-Hearted song, "It Must Have Been Love", by Roxette, was not the first single released from the "Pretty Woman" movie soundtrack, it was originally released as a single in Europe on November 23, 1987 for the Christmas season. The title included the parenthetical phrase "Christmas for the Broken-Hearted". The lyrics refer to a lonely winter's day after the break-up of a relationship.... "It Must Have Been Love" became an international hit in 1990. Though it's a lady song, it somehow beats my heart since I first listened to few years ago while watching a movie called "Pretty Woman", or may be i was then having same emotional condition; well kidding tho. The song, yet, remains among my top lady songs for years and I would love it to be parts in my posts.
It Must Have Been Love Lyrics
By Roxette
Lay a whisper on my pillow
Leave the winter on the ground
I wake up lonely, is there a silence
In the bedroom and all around
Touch me now, I close my eyes
And dream away...
It must have been love, but it's over now
It must have been good, but I lost it somehow
It must have been love, but it's over now
From the moment we touched till the time had run out
Make believing we're together
That I'm sheltered by your heart
But in and outside I turn to water
Like a teardrop in your palm
And it's a hard winter's day
I dream away...
It must have been love, but it's over now
It was all that I wanted, now I'm living without
It must have been love, but it's over now
It's where the water flows, it's where the wind blows
It must have been love, but it's over now
It must have been good, but I lost it somehow
It must have been love, but it's over now
From the moment we touched till the time had run out
@ mtl. postEd by outcastE at 9:01 PM 0 commEnts
Labels: music
Nov 7, 2007
Nov 2, 2007
fEaturEd songs - music
The following grouped featured songs have been helping me a lot in soothing my soul and every tense moment I do daily encounter; These songs do somehow feature every each of my passing day.... I could so terribly sing most of these songs. If you're a fan of these songs and would like to listen to any of which, just hook me up and you'll get the ones you fancy....=)
@ mtl. postEd by outcastE at 2:36 PM 1 commEnts
Labels: music
Nov 1, 2007
thE loss of midada's - music

khtom srer batt oun
nEak na sang maEk
sanDan jEt khsEor GUITAR
dErm bEi ah-vEy tov oun
trov katt jEt dErm bEi ah-na-kut oun
juab bark doub job snae
@ mtl. postEd by outcastE at 10:25 PM 0 commEnts
Labels: music
Oct 26, 2007
rEurng del trov pruoy - poEm
vea jess teor phleork
phleork khoss bro-kro-tei
tver oy khnum pruoy
pruoy pruos rual thgnai
ter pruoy reurng ah-vey
juoy chleory brabb phorng.
reurng derl trov pruoy
pruoy pruos reurng muoy
kir reurng kanlorng
pruoy pruos jet prerl
t-bet merl rom lorng
thver oy bom norng
pum barn douch kit.
oh kdey prathna
choung jabb pa-ri-nha
sro va ban dith
khom breong srav jreav
reav rok kom nit
pon teor jivit
khmean seth tov dol.
oh kdey sang khim
derl thluab nho nhem
ro leay khmean soll
mean teor tirk phnaek
jreork kdey kang vol
jen da khvay khvoll
om pul khmean la-her.
ah net khluon muoy
jett jorngg lerk stuoy
krua sa puk meor
vet-ta-nea yang na
kor pum tha deor
pruos veas-na breor
oy khnum om pul.
ma-nus khnong loo key
tearng bross tearng srey
kuor kuabey yul
panh-a-ha jivet
trov kit oy dol
pruos loo key phdol
kangval jreorn nass.
ma-nus khnong loo key
krub roub bross srey
teorng keort heory jass
dom ner jivit
pitt jea b-do phlass
vi batt jreorn nass
khnong vad-da-sang-sa.
PS: pls refer to me with any of my Khmer-english words you do not understand via the below comment section.
@ mtl. postEd by outcastE at 11:06 PM 0 commEnts
Labels: poEm
Oct 22, 2007
onE boring EvEning with CARBON - final racE.

p.s: Are you interested with the challenge? Pls refer to me via the below comment section.
@ mtl. postEd by outcastE at 3:11 PM 0 commEnts
Labels: game
Oct 10, 2007
a scrap piEce - poEm

Now I feel like to share all this drafted poetic information in that replied scrap paper of mine. I do not mean anything else more than a poem....:P
nov pheakdey snae del oun son som
somrab rub bang pi troung meas mom
jeat nis bon thom barn srey tver mjass.
som tus jompuos velea jreorn kheor
del oun breng theor jompuos bong ma-nak
jam jom leory bang chleury brab voleak
min kour bang khvakk min deong khluon eng.
ma-dech snguon tha bang jet dach me-ta
tveu oy konitha kream krom jom beorng
bong te keng phsong kruam troung ma-neak eng
min-hean thla thleorng sa-ra-pheap brab srey.
pel nis bong som smae jea kom nab
teorng jea peak kap joun sross thleorm thlay
tha bong kor luoch snae oun jreorn krai
jok krom ha-ra-tey jea you thngay kheor.
kom nab muoy nis reab raub sekdey
smaut brab tov srey tha bong louch snae
bro-kul beh-dong joun sros meas mae
thver jea ma-jass theor luh thgnai mo-ra-na.
ber bong khos a-vey bro-ney ream phorng
ream khmean bom nong thver bab jiva
kom nab mean ney ka-vey kot tra
chmuos srey ream ja jom leory beh-dong.
PS: pls refer to me with any of my Khmer-english words you do not understand via the below comment section.
@ mtl. postEd by outcastE at 2:09 AM 0 commEnts
Labels: poEm
Oct 5, 2007
a piEce of mind

Later that afternoon, i started to consider about my life expectancy. I once read somewhere about an article talking of life extension and immortality. Now there are some critical questions appear in my mind; do i want to live another 30 years? sure. Want to live another 60 years? Probably. Want to live another 200 years? Hmmmm... Why can't i say "sure!" to this last question? This is a really interesting topic. Of course, i am eager to live longer, but i also feel that our desire to live longer as much as possible will lead us to a trap and fault we would never want to fall into. It's really difficult to put this into words. I guess i will need time to clarify my thoughts.
I oftenly asked myself how to live my life without regrets. If i could do one thing in life over again, what would it be? Am i brave enough to bare that part of my life? I would love to be asked all these questions and would love my answers to be rewarded by just one miracle. If only it comes to reality we may find that we no longer have any regrets. Well, we can't predict the future which lies ahead of us to be happenned as exactly as we want it to be nor change the past which is already driven.
Life goes on; so why not let do something to move forward.One of the most difficult things to accomplish is to successfully plan for the future. Once you do it right you'll positively get most of your possible expectations as planned; let say it'll be fruitful. On the contrary, if you fail, there'll be some other unexpected facts lie upon you in which cause you some more possible tough decisions to be re-taken into further consideration for another future plan. Biologically speaking, in most cases, people are born equally, and they happen to live their lives differently due to the effects of their surroundings including family status, society where they belong to, peer groups, so on and so forth. I would say, likewise, decision makings, furthermore, play more important role in differentiating people's future. It may cause a rich man collapse as a poor one, a smartie to a dumbie, a well-being to a handicap ...etc. Any aspects can happen or be happenned in such case.
Some thesises, on the other hand, appear to be against the above idea, the decision making. It states that once it's not too late to re-decide there's always another chance for an affordable good future. Nothing can change us if we don't want to change ourselves; be content with what we are, and be positive & confident with what we do. It's such a great idea indeed, but to some certain conditions of an individual, it somehow appears to be impossible to re-decide; let take into consideration a condition of a single guy whose life is in a critical condition due to the fact that he has made wrong decision in pursuing his early independent life away from home. That poor guy, for example, belongs to a society where family's benefit should be taken as a threshold before going on further to self-decision-making. He grew up in a family that has faith on him. Family and friends are necessary parts of his life. They act as companions in his voyage through life. With them he experiences and shares many things. He learns how to love, hate, laugh, joke and be a normal functioning human being. After a defeat of his so-called wrong decision-making, he somehow aims at re-making some more possible decisions which may later brighten up his life's plan, but if he does so then he will end up changing his family's future as a whole since he's still part of his family. With such reasons in his head, he started to devote things and lose his chances one by one, but he's embraced to follow his instinct just to make his family feel positively about him. He believes once his whole family is happy he'll be content to be happy as well. This also counts couples' lives. you're meant to satisfy your spouse and kids. LOVE is all about devotion & sacrifice.
I have to come to the end of this talk, and will need to reclarify my thoughts and will have to give in if there'll be some better solutions suggested. I believe each idividual has different opinion regarding his/her life's trend & decision making. Somes choose their own happiness outweight their family's...it's their decision to make a happy life, and it's hard to decide what makes a happy life for we can't agree on a definition of happiness that's acceptable to all. One man's idea of happy life could be entirely different from another man's and what a third man considers to be a happy life may be acceptable neither to the first nor to the second.
All in all, all i am certain is that nothing can make your life happy unless you know how to feel happy. Yet, i will need to be more cautious for the next upcoming decision-makings of ma life journey. If i continue to live my life unchecked, i cannot imagine what my future will be? what my life will become? How will i be ended up? And where will i be living at? these are some of the serious questions that need to be answered and steps must be taken in order to avoid possible calamities.
@ mtl. postEd by outcastE at 5:54 PM 0 commEnts
Labels: lifE
Oct 1, 2007
last day of thE job - joke

At the fourth house he was met at the door by a strikingly beautiful woman in a revealing negligee. She took him by the hand, gently led him through the door (which she closed behind him), and led him up the stairs to the bedroom where she blew his mind with the most passionate love he had ever experienced. When he had had enough they went downstairs, where she fixed him a giant breakfast: eggs, potatoes, ham, sausage, blueberry waffles, and fresh-squeezed orange juice. When he was truly satisfied she poured him a cup of steaming coffee.
As she was pouring, he noticed a dollar bill sticking out from under the cup’s bottom edge. “All this was just too wonderful for words,” he said, “but what’s the dollar for?” “Well,” she said, “last night, I told my husband that today would be your last day, and that we should do something special for you. I asked him what to give you. He said, ‘SCREW him. Give him a dollar.’ The breakfast was my idea.”
@ mtl. postEd by outcastE at 5:50 PM 0 commEnts
Labels: jokes
Sep 23, 2007
provass jet, SOVAT - music

@ mtl. postEd by outcastE at 9:39 PM 0 commEnts
Labels: music
Sep 14, 2007
a confEssion

"In a relationship, what we say is one thing, but what we do is another; the one saying, doesn't believe; teh one listening, also doesn't believe. When 2 people are in love, they love to ask each other to swear, to make promises. Why do they ask each otehr to swear and promise? I guess because they don't trust each other; that means they don't trust their lover, so that isn't a real love. These swears and promises are useless; till the sky falls, till the oceans dry, my love for u will never change! We all know that the sky will never fall; the oceans will never dry, even if it does happen, are we still alive by then? that's so obvious we'll be dead by then, and so our loves will be dead wilted. Real love is when two people can go through the toughest problems without asking for promises or listing criteria. In a relationship, you have to put in effort and give in at times, not always be on the receiving end. Being away from each other is a type of test, if the relationship isn't strong, then you can only admit defeat. Real love will never become hate.
In love of each life, there are 4 main persons; first, ourselve; second of all, one we love most; third, one who love us most; and 4th, one we spend the rest of our lives with. Firstly u'll meet the 1 u love most, and learn how love feels because u know how love feels, so u can find the person who loves u most. When u've experienced the feeling of loving others and being loved, u'll then know what it is u need most, then u will find the person who is most suitable for u, to be able to spend the rest of your life with. Sadly, in real life, these 3 people are usually not the same person. The one u love most doesn't love you. The one who loves u most is never the one u love most. And the one u spend your life with is never the one u love most or the one who love u most. That person is just the one who happens to be at the right place at the right time.
Therefore..., which person are u in other people's life? No person will purposely have a change of heart. At the point in time when he loves u, he/she really loves u. But, when he/she doesn't love u anymore, he/she really doesn't love u anymore. When the one loves u, that one can't pretend that he/she doesn't. Same goes, when a person loves u no more, there's no way that person can pretend he/she loves u. When a person doesn't love u and wants to leave u. U must ask yourself if u still love that person or not, if u also don't love taht person anymore, dun keep him/her just to save your pride. If you still love that person, you should wish him/her happiness, and hope that he/she will be with the one he/she loves most, dun stop him/her from it. If you stop him/her from finding true happiness with the one he/she loves, it shows u already that you don't love him/her, and if you don't love him/her, what rights do you have to blame him/her for a change of heart? We should trust this saying which reads " Dun go for looks, it can deceive." We should go for sum1 who makes us smile, because only a smile can make a dark day seem bright.
Love is not possessive, if you like the moon, you can't just take it down and put it in your basin or share a pillow with it, but the moonlight still shines upon you. In other words, when you love a person, you can use another method of possessing the person. Let that person become a permanent memory in your life. If you really love a person, you must love him/her for what he/she is. Love him/her for his/her good points, and the bad points. You can't wish for him/her to become like what you like him/her to be just because you love him/her. If he/she can't change to become what you like him/her to be, you don't love him/her anymore. When you really love a person, you can't find a reason why you love him/her. You only know that no matter when and where, good mood or bad mood, you will wish to have this person to be with you.
There's a saying said: "Always put yourself in teh other's shoes." If you feel that it hurts you, it probably hurts teh other person, too. A sad thing a bout life is when you meet soemone who means a lot to you..., only to find out in teh end, that it was never meant to be and you just have to let it goes. Giving some1 all your love is never an assurance that they will love you back. Dun expect love in return, just wait for it to grow in their hearts. But, if it doesn't, be content it grews in yours. Sumtimes, there are things you would love to hear, but, somehow, you never hear it from the person you want to.
Hence, in love, is to let those we love be perfectly themselves and not twist them with our own images, otherwise we love only the reflection of ourselves we find in them. The happiest people dun necessarily have the best of everything..., they just make the most of everything that comes their ways."
When all is said and done, i wish i could be strong enough as mentioned. Yet, i am too weak and lack of confidence when talking of love, and this is because another reason that i have been through in life and that causes my mentality not to let me have the gut to confess or discuss it out to the one i love (just in case if i have a love). No matter how hard i tried to forget about it, i just couldn't cus the guilt and sense of sorriness are overwhelming. Still..., as in my condition, this love and life are always dependent on each other, but life is more predominant; thereofre, without a good life, i just can't have a beautiful love. = I wish i could, and now that i am waiting for a miracle.
@ mtl. postEd by outcastE at 10:25 PM 4 commEnts
Labels: loves
Sep 11, 2007
WomEn, rEad only thE first part - MEn, thE rEst - joke

The woman freed the frog, and the frog said, “Thank you, but I failed to mention that there was a condition to your wishes. Whatever you wish for, your husband will get times ten!”
The woman said, “That’s okay.” For her first wish, she wanted to be the most beautiful woman in the world. The frog warned her, “You do realize that this wish will also make your husband the most handsome man in the world, an Adonis to whom women will flock.” The woman replied, “That’s okay, because I will be the most beautiful Woman and he will have eyes only for me.”
So, KAZAM-she’s the most beautiful Woman in the world!
For her second wish, she wanted to be the richest woman in the world. The frog said, “That will make your husband the richest man in the world. And he will be ten times richer than you.” The woman said, “That’s okay, because what’s mine is his and what’s his is mine.”
So, KAZAM-she’s the richest woman in the world!
The frog then inquired about her third wish, and she answered, “I’d like a mild heart attack.”
Moral of the story: Women are clever. Don’t mess with them.
Attention female readers : This is the end of the joke for you. Stop here and continue feeling good.
Male readers, continue reading….
The man had a heart attack ten times milder than his wife.
Moral of the story: Women think they’re so smart. Let them continue to think that way and just enjoy the show.
PS: If you are a woman and are still reading this; it only goes to show that women never listen!
@ mtl. postEd by outcastE at 7:25 PM 0 commEnts
Labels: jokes
Sep 10, 2007
strandEd on a dEsErted Island - joke

The second chick, a redhead, said to herself, “I wonder if she made it. I guess it’s better to try to get to the mainland than to stay here and starve to death.” So she attempts to swim out. The redhead had a lot more endurance than the brunette, as she swam out 10 miles before she even got tired. After 15 miles, she was too tired to go on, and she drowned.
The blonde thought to herself, “I wonder if they made it! I think I’d better try to make it, too.” So she swam out 5 miles, ten miles, 15 miles, nineteen miles from the island. The shore was just in sight, but she said, “I’m too tired to go on!” So she swam back.
@ mtl. postEd by outcastE at 7:40 AM 2 commEnts
Labels: jokes
Aug 31, 2007
a lEttEr with 2 facEs

1----"The great love that I have for you
2---- is gone, and I find my dislike for you
3---- grows every day. When I see you,
4---- I do not even like your face;
5---- the one thing that I want to do is to
6---- look at other girls. I never wanted to
7---- marry you. Our last conversation
8---- was very boring and has not
9---- made me look forward to seeing you again.
10--- You think only of yourself.
11--- If we were married, I know that I would find
12--- life very difficult, and I would have no
13--- pleasure in living with you. I have a heart
14--- to give, but it is not something that
15--- I want to give to you. No one is more
16--- foolish and selfish than you, and you are not
17--- able to care for me and help me.
18--- I sincerely want you to understand that
19--- I speak the truth. You will do me a favor
20--- if you think this is the end. Do not try
21--- to answer this. Your letters are full of
22--- things that do not interest me. You have no
23--- true love for me. Good-bye! Believe me,
24--- I do not care for you. Please do not think that
25--- I am still your boyfriend."
So bad!! However, before handing over the letter to the girl, the boy told the girl to "READ BETWEEN THE LINES", meaning-only to read (Odd Numbers)
@ mtl. postEd by outcastE at 10:30 PM 2 commEnts
Labels: inspirational stories
Aug 24, 2007
compEtitions in modErn lifE - my viEw

Competition is very much a part of modern life. In every sphere of human activity there is some form of competition going on, be it to a larger or a smaller degree. Some of us cope well; and there are some who fall by the side. Yet there are some who shun competition, preferring not to get involved.
for those who cope well, competition allows them to develop and realise there abilities. Record-breaking feats by athletes make us realise that human being are capable of wondrous performances. The four-minutes- a mile was an impossibility a few decades ago. Now, any world class miler can break four minutes with ease. Training and competition have resulted in improvements beyond our wildest dreams. Nobody can say for sure what sort of times and distances future runners, jumpers and throwers will be capable of. It is left to be seen what keen competition can produce.
In actual competitions we see faults all over the place. Punching, kicking and elbowing are common sights in a soccer match. Pushing, jostling and tripping are part and parcel of distance running. why do these competitors indulge in such illegal acts? the reason is obvious - to beat the other guy, to be the champion, by all means. Such a bad attitude among competitors is a result of our obsession with competitive sports. The original purpose of participating is forgotten. The main purpose now is to win, regardless the costs and the number of people that we trample on the way.
Competitiveness has spilled over to our everyday life. Nobody actually knows why we study so hard to get better grades. We only knoe that we have got to have good grades in order to further our education. Why do we have to further our education? The common answer is that so that we can get a good job and so on and so forth.
Those who obtain many distinctions in an important examination wear distinctive smile. A happy smile is a sign of success. Yet there are many by the side who at best can manage an indifferent look. Most wear frowns and sad faces. These are people who did not quite make it. In the competition for good grades, the achievers rejoice, the non-achievers grieve. The education system has produced generation of people who judge a person by the amount of certificate he has. A graduate is automatically a respected person. An unskilled labourer is to be avoided. We have forgotten how to see a man for what he really is.
As long as we compete, we will have to put up with the bad effects as well as enjoy the good effects. We will have to suffer increased unemployment while we produce more graduates. We will have to live with pollution as we produce more motor rides. We will see more broken limbs as we see more goals scored. This is all about competition in life, and we have to live with this fact. I have to come to the end of this talk. I could still go on indefinitely if I extract many of my own stories to tell, but I'd rather to pause here because it's all just about the scandal competitions I have done. Any comments for this talk would be appreciated. Thus again I have to give in to expectation and sign off.
@ mtl. postEd by outcastE at 12:30 AM 0 commEnts
Labels: lifE
Aug 22, 2007
Arsenal - my iconic soccer club

Arsenal may have been off the pace in the inaugural Premier League season in 1992/1993, but they made up for it by winning both FA and League Cup.
The EPL crown eluded them until 1998 - two years into manager Arsene Wenger's tenure - when they the league and FA cup double. Under the Frenchman, the Gunners shook off their "boring" image and began to play some of the most attractive football in England.
In 8 of his 11 seasons at club, Arsenal finished first or second. And together with star players such as Thierry Henry, Patrick Viera and Dennis Bergkam, Wenger took Arsenal to another "double" in 2002.
The Gunners reached the Champions' LEague final in 2006, becoming the first London team to do so, but lost to Bacelona with one goal first scored. Thier EPL title in 2003/04 saw them become only the second team to win the league without losing a match - earning them the title "The Invincibles." Overall they went 49 matches unbeaten, which is a national record.
@ mtl. postEd by outcastE at 7:26 PM 0 commEnts
Labels: sport
Aug 14, 2007
snaE khnong sobEn - poEm

lir so thghouch thgho kuor sro noss
khom brass khluo keng min luok soss
nirk dol som ross keo kan-ni-tha.
dom ner la-vot la-vun tun la-vun la-vey
ream nirk mo mey khernh pheaktra
nho nhem po preay leay vea ja
hakk prabb bang tha som et khjoss.
thhpual preurng ro loung douch mak-prang
khuoch teang song khang khernh sen sross
khuoch khernh so sai khjei teang oss
la-or et jan loss sross nuon la-ong.
kanh-jeng-kor la-or sor(white) sen som
jang kess moul khlom douch ang krong
oun jea dara doung jet bang
ream ouch thoub phsong pong juob snae.
bor bo muat sross lerss oss phkar
thver oy ream ra pra thna teor
srong khlen bopha phkar ma-jass snae
rouch reaksa theor tae touch tonn.
jenh jeorm reang koang douch en-tha-nu
ream koy kun you jang chlar chlonn
merl tov trong na khmean tha onn
bang nirk touch tonn kroub near ti.
sorkk eoury ro lerb veorng brass smar
douch tep thi da la-or khmean pi
ream jang bei bom thnorm chor vy
som sross neary smakk bang tov.
somm eury sen somm la-or et khjoss
ream snae yang smoss sross peal pov
ber min barn snhguon khluon bang trov
min arch ruos nov ler lork barn.
reab ruab min oss chmuos som kai
ream kun min nai te kal-la-yan
bang snae srey pit huos jet smarn
som sross phom pharn prom pro ney.
oh snae eury snae barn trem kit
khernh sross vor-mit rual reatrey
oun nov khpuos pek douch mek dei
tun sai dai khlei chhorng min dol.
jann eury jann trea near reatrey
som nuam som dei khnum tam khjol
tov brab pum-nghea jea yo-bol
ream snae nimul snae krai pek.
snae eury snaeha snae thom theng
snae chkuot vong veng pruos thlerm thlai
snae tae khnong jet kit sro mai
snae ler jor-ra-nai muoy meourn snae.
snae eury snae khnum kruam oh ra
ter don pel na terb barn la-her
na-heury chhob kit joss pruos reourng snae
kit ban trem ter "snae khnong sobEn."
PS: I'm not as sweet as like what mentioned; So....please do not get me wrong ;) pls refer to me with any of my Khmer-english words you do not understand via the below comment section.
@ mtl. postEd by outcastE at 12:24 AM 0 commEnts
Labels: poEm
Aug 9, 2007
picturE - music
There's another one of my most favorite couple song, "PICTURE". For those who just can't imagine Kid Rock singing a duet with Sheryl Crow, the song "Picture" is about to come into focus. The heartbreaking "Picture" finds the couples illustrating in "Picture", Kid Rock and Crow, trading verses about not being able to look at a photograph because the pain, for varying reasons, is too great. At first, it's the company of another that makes it uncomfortable for an on-the-road Rock to be reminded of his love miles away. The sentiment changes from simply sour to downright dour when the photo becomes a crushing memento of love lost.
By: Kid Rock feats Sheryl Crow(Kid Rock) Livin' my life in a slow hell
Different girl every night at the hotel
I aint seen the sun shine in 3 damn days
Been fuelin' up on cocaine and whisky
Wish I had a good girl to miss me
Lord I wonder if I'll ever change my ways
I put your picture away
Sat down and cried the day
I can't look at you, I'm lyin' next to her
I put your picture away, sat down and cried today
I can't look at you I'm lyin' next to her
(Sherly Crow)
I called you lastnight in the hotel
Everyone knows but they wont tell
But their half hearted smiles tell me
Somethin' just ain't right
I been waitin' on you for a long time
Fuelin' up on heartaches and cheap wine
I ain't heard from you in 3 damn nights
I put your picture away
I wonder where you been
I can't look at you while I'm lyin' next to him
I put your picture away
I wonder where you been
I can't look at you while I'm lyin' next to him
I saw ya yesterday with an old friend
(Kid Rock)
It was the same old same "how have you been"
Since you been gone my worlds been dark & grey
(Kid Rock)
You reminded me of brighter days
(Sheryl Crow)
I hoped you were comin' home to stay
i was headed to church
(Kid Rock)
I was off to drink you away
I thought about you for a long time
Can't seem to get you off my mind
I can't nderstand why we're living life this way
I found your picture today
I swear I'll change my ways
I just called to say I want you to come back home
I found your picture today
I swear I'llc hange my ways
I just called to say I want you to come back home
I just called to say, I love you come back home
@ mtl. postEd by outcastE at 8:36 PM 0 commEnts
Labels: music
Aug 3, 2007
favoritE moviEs

Let believe me guys for that i've got da right taste in rating movies....=) Here are ma favorite short listed movies..... SAW 1, 2, 3 & 4 ~ Herbinal Rising ~ Step up ~ Wicker park ~ Chasing liberty ~ The Host ~ Live free or die hard ~ Casino Royal ~ The painted veil ~ Fly boy ~ Unfaithful ~ The Three ~ King Kong ~ Bad Boys ~ Final Destinations ~ Love Story ~ Sassy Girl ~ Romeo & Juliet ~ Wedding Crashers ~ Scary Movie (not 4th) ~ Titanic ~ Euro Trip ~ Hostel 1 & 2 ~ Sex is zero ~ Asian Sensation ~ A walk to remember ~ Full house ~ Lucky You ~ Pretty Woman ~ The War ~ Blood Diamond ~ Residential Evil ~ Mr & Mrs Smiths ~ Apocalypto ~ Rush Hours ~ Black Hawk Down ~ Garfield ~ True Romance ~ Fearless ~ Venom ~ Shoot Them Up ~ Tristan & Isolde ~ Crouching Tiger ~ A Walk to Remember ~ Cursed of The Golden Flowers ~ Troy ~ The Condemned ~ The Departed ~ Gold To Living Things ~ Goof Luck Chuck ~ Casino ~ Click ~ It waits ~ Dumb & dumber ~ Harry & Kumar Went To White Castle ~ You've Got Mail ~ Into The Blue ~ The hills Have Eyes ~ Sweet Novemver ~ House of Wax ~ Sleepless in Seatle ~ Texas Chainsaw ~ The cave ~ Amityville Horror ~ Desert Heart ~Dark Water ~ Chasing Liberty ~ Fast and Furious ~ Crank ~ Severed ~ Next ~ Waitress ~ Spiderman ~ and.... plenty more to be described in da sheet....
@ mtl. postEd by outcastE at 11:14 PM 2 commEnts
Labels: movies
Jul 31, 2007
suckEd birthday

Yet, I just STILL cannot find the words to describe exactly how my heart feels every year on each of my birthday cus it SUCKS SUCKS SUCKS! Beyond what has been said, even if I had all descriptive words embedded unto my brain, I am sure that there still would not be a word that would fit exactly right cus i already believe that it's unchangeable fate of my life. Pls readers do not think hard as you will never understand, not even me can fully understand.
However, in response to the flurry of warm wishes, I'd like to express many thanks to all of you for your birthday wishes. Your words, as always, are a great source of strength. I was very thoughtful of you guys to take the time and effort to wish me Happy Birthday. I am so grateful! There aren't much words to express my thanKs to teh choicest friendship loves being shown. just in brief-->my heart is with you guys! Many thankkkks =)
@ mtl. postEd by outcastE at 3:25 PM 2 commEnts
Labels: birthday