Nine days have passed since my vacation started. I have lost few weights as usual (during the time of each vacation). I have gained new experiences (bad) and made new friends who often made my day during this week long. I have played some competitive soccer matches with my neighbors as well as those folks from my community. Nevertheless, i have made some bad decisions which bring anger to head, hotness to temper. It burnt my innocent mentality I'd say.
I always wonder why there are ups and downs in life, but then, I realised that my life is just like a puzzle. There's a satisfaction with joys and happiness in life when all the pieces of puzzle are successfully placed together. When everything falls apart and is misplaced, sadness, craziness and madness come back into life. Do ya realise that everything which results in joy is often followed by something upsetting? It's the cycle of life I'd say, which is why i am afraid of everything good that is to come because i am scared to fall; i am afraid the state of being upset takes its turn. However, I do not wish for anything bad for myself. I just wish that my life could go back to normal. I wish I could have back the life i used to have (the one where i did not need to worry about anything at all and just live life the way it is).
I suppose I could have not then walked that path which resulted this upsetting life. BBBBuuuutttt, why bother? I keep telling myself that there is no point to waste time analyzing that past anymore, for now. Look...., when we're lost in despair, remember, that the only thing that still shines in the darkness is a star. The point is to keep our eyes searching for a star because behind every dark place there is a bright light!!!!
God loves us!!!! (I hope :S)
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