Oct 26, 2007

rEurng del trov pruoy - poEm

thgnai niss thgnai sa-ek
vea jess teor phleork
phleork khoss bro-kro-tei
tver oy khnum pruoy
pruoy pruos rual thgnai
ter pruoy reurng ah-vey
juoy chleory brabb phorng.

reurng derl trov pruoy
pruoy pruos reurng muoy
kir reurng kanlorng
pruoy pruos jet prerl
t-bet merl rom lorng
thver oy bom norng
pum barn douch kit.

oh kdey prathna
choung jabb pa-ri-nha
sro va ban dith
khom breong srav jreav
reav rok kom nit
pon teor jivit
khmean seth tov dol.

oh kdey sang khim
derl thluab nho nhem
ro leay khmean soll
mean teor tirk phnaek
jreork kdey kang vol
jen da khvay khvoll
om pul khmean la-her.

ah net khluon muoy
jett jorngg lerk stuoy
krua sa puk meor
vet-ta-nea yang na
kor pum tha deor
pruos veas-na breor
oy khnum om pul.

ma-nus khnong loo key
tearng bross tearng srey
kuor kuabey yul
panh-a-ha jivet
trov kit oy dol
pruos loo key phdol
kangval jreorn nass.

ma-nus khnong loo key
krub roub bross srey
teorng keort heory jass
dom ner jivit
pitt jea b-do phlass
vi batt jreorn nass
khnong vad-da-sang-sa.


PS: pls refer to me with any of my Khmer-english words you do not understand via the below comment section.

Oct 22, 2007

onE boring EvEning with CARBON - final racE.

It took me 3 weeks to challenge this series car racing challenge - CARBON. It did pay me the prize with the ChamP eventually. Through the 3 weeks race I felt my life is kinda identical to the racing process as there should be no room for any mistakes otherwise it'd end up by crashing or being crashed, or even lose the race as well as the set back times to be resumed within stages.... Frankly, that features ma surviving life....

p.s: Are you interested with the challenge? Pls refer to me via the below comment section.

Oct 10, 2007

a scrap piEce - poEm

It was then I got my new gym accessories from my co-worker with a pretty affordable deal. After getting back from work I anxiously & hurriedly installed those gym stuffs in my bedroom since i did not want to spoil my livingroom view because it's the most favorite spot in my tiny apartment. With my king-size bed already in my bedroom, those gym accessories seem like another queen-size piece to be addded. I started to move every single piece of my furnitures just to see if the entire view in the bedroom look better. Out of my ability the work seemed to be at no where and it was already 4 AM. It appealed to me that The gym things and the king-size bed can't be together in my bedroom space. I finally decided to locate the gyms out at the livingroom and remanaged my furniture pieces to where it used to be located. With one by one the stuffs were being put back into its own spots, I happenned to look at those work paper scraps I had done during the previous year, 2006. I found a piece from those scraps and read it.... Oh ma god! That was a written poem I had drafted last December in order to reply to a net lady friend from Hi5 whom she is a poet from Vancouver, Canada. I had seen her poetry work in a khmer poem website which says "jreorn kheor mork heory oun som sar-ra-pheap.... .... .... snae ter voleak smoss jeak et breor" with the title of JAM PEAK THA SNAE.

Now I feel like to share all this drafted poetic information in that replied scrap paper of mine. I do not mean anything else more than a poem....:P


ream som or-kun toch tonn mjass snae
nov pheakdey snae del oun son som
somrab rub bang pi troung meas mom
jeat nis bon thom barn srey tver mjass.

som tus jompuos velea jreorn kheor
del oun breng theor jompuos bong ma-nak
jam jom leory bang chleury brab voleak
min kour bang khvakk min deong khluon eng.

ma-dech snguon tha bang jet dach me-ta
tveu oy konitha kream krom jom beorng
bong te keng phsong kruam troung ma-neak eng
min-hean thla thleorng sa-ra-pheap brab srey.

pel nis bong som smae jea kom nab
teorng jea peak kap joun sross thleorm thlay
tha bong kor luoch snae oun jreorn krai
jok krom ha-ra-tey jea you thngay kheor.

kom nab muoy nis reab raub sekdey
smaut brab tov srey tha bong louch snae
bro-kul beh-dong joun sros meas mae
thver jea ma-jass theor luh thgnai mo-ra-na.

ber bong khos a-vey bro-ney ream phorng
ream khmean bom nong thver bab jiva
kom nab mean ney ka-vey kot tra
chmuos srey ream ja jom leory beh-dong.


PS: pls refer to me with any of my Khmer-english words you do not understand via the below comment section.

Oct 5, 2007

a piEce of mind

After a week into holidays, i've still felt very restless. I had gone to gym few times, watched the latest movies, read all the books i wanted to, and I found myself with nothing to do. Out of desperation, i even considered getting another part-time job, but i was too lazy to work seven days a week. As i laid on my couch day-dreaming, a loud siren sound of an ambulance woke me up. I was like goddd! An elderly neighbor of mine had a heart attack. She then was sent to the hospital pitifully leaving her daughter sobbing with so much grief while the Ambulance driving out of her sight from the backyard.

Later that afternoon, i started to consider about my life expectancy. I once read somewhere about an article talking of life extension and immortality. Now there are some critical questions appear in my mind; do i want to live another 30 years? sure. Want to live another 60 years? Probably. Want to live another 200 years? Hmmmm... Why can't i say "sure!" to this last question? This is a really interesting topic. Of course, i am eager to live longer, but i also feel that our desire to live longer as much as possible will lead us to a trap and fault we would never want to fall into. It's really difficult to put this into words. I guess i will need time to clarify my thoughts.

I oftenly asked myself how to live my life without regrets. If i could do one thing in life over again, what would it be? Am i brave enough to bare that part of my life? I would love to be asked all these questions and would love my answers to be rewarded by just one miracle. If only it comes to reality we may find that we no longer have any regrets. Well, we can't predict the future which lies ahead of us to be happenned as exactly as we want it to be nor change the past which is already driven.

Life goes on; so why not let do something to move forward.One of the most difficult things to accomplish is to successfully plan for the future. Once you do it right you'll positively get most of your possible expectations as planned; let say it'll be fruitful. On the contrary, if you fail, there'll be some other unexpected facts lie upon you in which cause you some more possible tough decisions to be re-taken into further consideration for another future plan. Biologically speaking, in most cases, people are born equally, and they happen to live their lives differently due to the effects of their surroundings including family status, society where they belong to, peer groups, so on and so forth. I would say, likewise, decision makings, furthermore, play more important role in differentiating people's future. It may cause a rich man collapse as a poor one, a smartie to a dumbie, a well-being to a handicap ...etc. Any aspects can happen or be happenned in such case.

Some thesises, on the other hand, appear to be against the above idea, the decision making. It states that once it's not too late to re-decide there's always another chance for an affordable good future. Nothing can change us if we don't want to change ourselves; be content with what we are, and be positive & confident with what we do. It's such a great idea indeed, but to some certain conditions of an individual, it somehow appears to be impossible to re-decide; let take into consideration a condition of a single guy whose life is in a critical condition due to the fact that he has made wrong decision in pursuing his early independent life away from home. That poor guy, for example, belongs to a society where family's benefit should be taken as a threshold before going on further to self-decision-making. He grew up in a family that has faith on him. Family and friends are necessary parts of his life. They act as companions in his voyage through life. With them he experiences and shares many things. He learns how to love, hate, laugh, joke and be a normal functioning human being. After a defeat of his so-called wrong decision-making, he somehow aims at re-making some more possible decisions which may later brighten up his life's plan, but if he does so then he will end up changing his family's future as a whole since he's still part of his family. With such reasons in his head, he started to devote things and lose his chances one by one, but he's embraced to follow his instinct just to make his family feel positively about him. He believes once his whole family is happy he'll be content to be happy as well. This also counts couples' lives. you're meant to satisfy your spouse and kids. LOVE is all about devotion & sacrifice.

I have to come to the end of this talk, and will need to reclarify my thoughts and will have to give in if there'll be some better solutions suggested. I believe each idividual has different opinion regarding his/her life's trend & decision making. Somes choose their own happiness outweight their family''s their decision to make a happy life, and it's hard to decide what makes a happy life for we can't agree on a definition of happiness that's acceptable to all. One man's idea of happy life could be entirely different from another man's and what a third man considers to be a happy life may be acceptable neither to the first nor to the second.

All in all, all i am certain is that nothing can make your life happy unless you know how to feel happy. Yet, i will need to be more cautious for the next upcoming decision-makings of ma life journey. If i continue to live my life unchecked, i cannot imagine what my future will be? what my life will become? How will i be ended up? And where will i be living at? these are some of the serious questions that need to be answered and steps must be taken in order to avoid possible calamities.


Oct 1, 2007

last day of thE job - joke

It was George the Mailman’s last day on the job after 35 years of carrying the mail through all kinds of weather to the same neighborhood. When he arrived at the first house on his route he was greeted by the whole family there, who roundly and soundly congratulated him and sent him on his way with a tidy gift envelope. At the second house they presented him with a box of fine cigars. The folks at the third house handed him a selection of terrific fishing lures.

At the fourth house he was met at the door by a strikingly beautiful woman in a revealing negligee. She took him by the hand, gently led him through the door (which she closed behind him), and led him up the stairs to the bedroom where she blew his mind with the most passionate love he had ever experienced. When he had had enough they went downstairs, where she fixed him a giant breakfast: eggs, potatoes, ham, sausage, blueberry waffles, and fresh-squeezed orange juice. When he was truly satisfied she poured him a cup of steaming coffee.

As she was pouring, he noticed a dollar bill sticking out from under the cup’s bottom edge. “All this was just too wonderful for words,” he said, “but what’s the dollar for?” “Well,” she said, “last night, I told my husband that today would be your last day, and that we should do something special for you. I asked him what to give you. He said, ‘SCREW him. Give him a dollar.’ The breakfast was my idea.”