Aug 14, 2007

snaE khnong sobEn - poEm

I'm a kind of person who just can't talk about sumthing positive related to ladies though i want to. All the words somehow stuck in the between of my both jaws.... so, in return, I am always called as a negativist among the peer ladies group. Though it's a fact of me in relation to them ladies, i'm sure they could still feel those true positivities inside my deep down. I instead prefer to blow things out in to pieces of writing, poetry is one of my favorite location to stuff all of those inspirational thoughts. This is so true about one of my facts. In fact, the following poem stanzas have been few times drafted before it appears so. It had not been yet a full poem, not until this Summer 2007; the title was the last thing included. There it says....

ah-treat yub sngat phat jum nor
lir so thghouch thgho kuor sro noss
khom brass khluo keng min luok soss
nirk dol som ross keo kan-ni-tha.

dom ner la-vot la-vun tun la-vun la-vey
ream nirk mo mey khernh pheaktra
nho nhem po preay leay vea ja
hakk prabb bang tha som et khjoss.

thhpual preurng ro loung douch mak-prang
khuoch teang song khang khernh sen sross
khuoch khernh so sai khjei teang oss
la-or et jan loss sross nuon la-ong.

kanh-jeng-kor la-or sor(white) sen som
jang kess moul khlom douch ang krong
oun jea dara doung jet bang
ream ouch thoub phsong pong juob snae.

bor bo muat sross lerss oss phkar
thver oy ream ra pra thna teor
srong khlen bopha phkar ma-jass snae
rouch reaksa theor tae touch tonn.

jenh jeorm reang koang douch en-tha-nu
ream koy kun you jang chlar chlonn
merl tov trong na khmean tha onn
bang nirk touch tonn kroub near ti.

sorkk eoury ro lerb veorng brass smar
douch tep thi da la-or khmean pi
ream jang bei bom thnorm chor vy
som sross neary smakk bang tov.

somm eury sen somm la-or et khjoss
ream snae yang smoss sross peal pov
ber min barn snhguon khluon bang trov
min arch ruos nov ler lork barn.

reab ruab min oss chmuos som kai
ream kun min nai te kal-la-yan
bang snae srey pit huos jet smarn
som sross phom pharn prom pro ney.

oh snae eury snae barn trem kit
khernh sross vor-mit rual reatrey
oun nov khpuos pek douch mek dei
tun sai dai khlei chhorng min dol.

jann eury jann trea near reatrey
som nuam som dei khnum tam khjol
tov brab pum-nghea jea yo-bol
ream snae nimul snae krai pek.

snae eury snaeha snae thom theng
snae chkuot vong veng pruos thlerm thlai
snae tae khnong jet kit sro mai
snae ler jor-ra-nai muoy meourn snae.

snae eury snae khnum kruam oh ra
ter don pel na terb barn la-her
na-heury chhob kit joss pruos reourng snae
kit ban trem ter "snae khnong sobEn."


PS: I'm not as sweet as like what mentioned; So....please do not get me wrong ;) pls refer to me with any of my Khmer-english words you do not understand via the below comment section.