Aug 31, 2008

i wantEd to, but thEn i could not

I was supposed to drop so many lines here for today's blogging, but i was just stucked as though there had been something or some causes clawing me back to pause - and, instead, exposing that above scrolling texts. I've learnt that forgiving is not forgetting and neither should it be, because if we forget, we open ourselves again to that same kind of hurt and suffer. Yet, no one would realize there are hundreds of reasons behind this post. There are days when i feel like it was just yesterday, and others where it feels like it was a lifetime ago. When i look at where i stand, at the threshold of making that destructive decision, and wonder at the differences between now and then, i start to realized this is what i've been enduring....


Sópheak said...

So sad to read this post. It seems to me that you are a sad and a lonely person. What are hundreds of reasons behind this post? Let spread them out some of your problems so that sometimes we can help you. Anyway be a optimist!

outcastE said...

As seen, most of the posts are written in somewhat very indirect describing ways, for the main purpose of respecting everyone's involvement. Thank you by the way for your good intention, i appreciate it. Well, i will one day reveal all everything; it's just a matter of time. I'll be an optimist!